How to generate a Decred address on Windows (more user-friendly) ?

To generate a Decred address you will need dcraddrgen (which stands for offline decred address generator)

You can download this via the following direct links:

After downloading the zip file open it with your zip manager (I use 7-zip for this)
Extract the files to a preferred folder, I’ve used C:\Decred.

You will see two files in the folder called:
verify.bat up dcraddrgen.exe which will generate the wallet and seed the seed and copy it via CTRL+C on your keyboard

you will need to remove the enters (or brake lines) so it will look like one line:
gazelle narrative tracker disbelief suspense outfielder soybean infancy classroom enchanting drainage breakaway scenic equipment newborn hydraulic chairlift detergent standard tolerance button Jupiter seabird inception eyetooth fortitude treadmill decimal island retraction ragtime sandalwood reindeer up notepad or any other text editor and paste your seed generation and save it (preferably on a cold storage)
4.enter OK and press ENTER on your keyboard up the generated keys.txt file
6.You’ll find your generated wallet and public key

In my example the output is:
First address: DsY4iLQkUXL8gQjuaa6KkH93aZyfpJgFxVz
Extended public key: dpubZFphFhN2ZGqvBMjvwwfeSESzUmoMxRDihqtTJEkeV3c9DSABaALyx4zVCa1WsyYcsckdX1c67psw11erBSyURLB6DbVzACKWc6rqjsiqn82


Verifying the seed/address.
1. Open up the verify.bat
2. Paste the saved generated seed (the one you’ve edited to one line)

For example this:
gazelle narrative tracker disbelief suspense outfielder soybean infancy classroom enchanting drainage breakaway scenic equipment newborn hydraulic chairlift detergent standard tolerance button Jupiter seabird inception eyetooth fortitude treadmill decimal island retraction ragtime sandalwood reindeer

and not this:
gazelle narrative tracker disbelief suspense outfielder
soybean infancy classroom enchanting drainage breakaway
scenic equipment newborn hydraulic chairlift detergent
standard tolerance button Jupiter seabird inception
eyetooth fortitude treadmill decimal island
retraction ragtime sandalwood reindeer

The verification tool will retrieve a wallet address which you can compare with your own to check if it is the right seed generation.


Researcher Triponoid: